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October 28, 2018

Holt House: Cleaning the Original Brick

After the exterior demo of Holt House is complete and before the renovations and construction of the additions can begin, the historic original brick must be cleaned.

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October 21, 2018

Holt House: Exterior Demo

The crew gets to work on preparing Holt House for the renovation effort by demolishing the derelict parts of the house that cannot be saved and dismantling and relocating the original smokehouse.

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October 3, 2018

Holt House: Before Demo and Construction

Check out some recent photos of Holt House as it prepares for a glorious restoration and renovation, and compare them to the photos that were taken in 1988 when the house was originally listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


March 27, 2018

One Barn Falls and Another Rises

Before the Holt property saw its first bulldozer, the land existed as a wild pasture for a few lucky donkeys and horses. An old barn used to stable these animals had been built a few hundred feet from Holt House and housed four-legged tenants right up until the property was sold.

The new owners have since dismantled the remains of the barn (while salvaging as many materials as possible) and replaced it with a new carriage house-like structure that pays homage to the battered stable and refreshes the identity of the historic property as a homestead for the owner's family.


February 19, 2017

Holt House From Above

Check out a video and images to see the house and its surroundings from above as it was before the revitalization began.

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February 17, 2017

Holt House is Under Construction

Over the next few years, the current owners of Holt House will execute a significant restoration and remodel of the historic home. Stay tuned for more updates as the house is resurrected from its current state and transformed into a modern family home.