One Barn Falls and Another Rises...

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               The land surrounding the Holt House property is currently being transformed into the new Witherspoon residential development in Brentwood, Tennessee. However, before this 260+ acres saw its first bulldozer, the land existed as a wild pasture for a few lucky donkeys and horses. An old barn used to stable these animals had been built a few hundred feet from Holt House and housed four-legged tenants right up until the property was sold.

               The new owners have since dismantled the remains of the barn (while salvaging as many materials as possible) and replaced it with a new carriage house-like structure that pays homage to the battered stable and refreshes the identity of the historic property as a homestead for the owner's family.

Click here for more details and photos of the carriage house's progress...

Holt House From Above

The Thomas Holt House house sits on a hill that once looked over a vast farm and antebellum plantation. The property has stood strong against the tide of modernization in the past, but since Charles Witherspoon (great grandson of Thomas Holt) sold the remaining 263 acres of the original Holt property in 2016, the former farm will see its most significant changes since Thomas Holt's father John first settled on the land. A new residential community - named "Witherspoon", after the farm's final caretaker - is being built on the remaining acreage while the historic house and several additional structures, including another house built by the Holt's in 1929, rest on 9 acres surrounding the hilltop home. The tree lines surrounding the house provide a nearly perfect indication of the property lines. The north side of the property fronts Crockett Road while the east, south, and west sides front lots within the new residential community. The first phase of development has begun on the community; roads and street signs are in and several houses are under construction. Check out the video and images below to see the house and its surroundings from above.